5 Date Ideas to Try This Summer

Floral Top & Ruffle Shorts

Floral Top & Ruffle Shorts

Floral Top & Ruffle Shorts

Floral Top & Ruffle Shorts

Floral Top & Ruffle Shorts

Floral Top & Ruffle Shorts

Floral Top & Ruffle Shorts
Floral Top & Ruffle Shorts

Floral Top & Ruffle Shorts

Photographs by Evan Febrillet 

Top: Missguided (similar) | Shorts: Missguided (similar) | Sunnies: Ray Ban | Shoes: MIA (old, similar)

The unofficial start of summer is here (even though these rainy days and cold temperatures don’t seem to agree)! Jordan got home a few weeks ago and we have non-stop plans until the day he heads back to school. Summer is our favorite time of year (but really, whose isn’t?!) so I put together a quick round up of our favorite “dates” to go on in the summer. P.S. You can do every single one of these with your best friends too 🙂

Go to a drive in movie- Going to the movies is the most classic date night of all time, but let’s be real, it’s really not that great. You can’t talk to your date, comfort is usually at an all time low, and snacks are really overpriced. Cue the drive in movie! Step 1: Grab your comfiest sleeping bags, lots of pillows, and hit the grocery store for all of your favorite munchies! Step 2: Enjoy the movie from the comfort of your own car!

Try a yoga class– It took some convincing, but lets just say Jordan is now the proud owner of his very own yoga mat. While this might not sound like a “date” yoga is a great way  to unwind, get your body moving, and connect in a non-verbal way. You’ll come out of class relaxed and refreshed!

Explore a new city together– You don’t have to travel far or spend a lot of money to visit a new town near you. The photos above are from my day in Jersey City a few weeks back when the Cherry blossom’s were in full bloom. The petals covering every sidewalk made for such a dreamy walk around town. So whether it’s a big city or a small town, spend the day roaming around and visiting shops along the way. I guarantee you’ll find a new favorite boutique or a restaurant you’ve never tried before! Bonus points if you stumble on to a town carnival or food festival.

Day trip to the beach– Not very original, but always a good time! You don’t need much for a successful beach day. My must haves include: Portable speakers, loaded Coronas, a good playlist, and of course, lots of snacks.

Make something together– Make a home cooked meal, start a DIY project, or fix something around your house. Not only are these things much more fun with a partner, but it’s always fun to try something new together! Last year we made DIY candles…they didn’t really smell like anything, but they certainly looked pretty and were really fun to make.


How was everyone’s holiday weekend? Jordan and I spent a few days at the Jersey shore with friends and celebrated Memorial Day with some much needed rest and relaxation (AKA Netflix and chill). We successfully finished Master’s of None and started season one of Veep. I won’t give anything away, but Master’s of None gives some major date night envy and is so worth watching until the end!

I am heading to Delaware on Friday for Alumni Weekend (I cringe every time I say the word) and I am so excited to see my old roommates!!

As always, thanks for reading 🙂



  1. June 12, 2017 / 1:44 pm

    Love your date night ideas! Exploring a new city is one of my all time favorite dates. And totally agree about Master of None 🙂

    • Melissa Frusco
      June 13, 2017 / 1:57 am

      Thanks Ellis! Right, there are so many places right around me that I’ve never been. Always more fun with someone else! Thanks for reading 🙂

  2. December 25, 2020 / 5:37 am

    Thanks for such a beautiful post, very informative and useful article. Waiting for your next famiy trips !

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