Red Hot on the Spice Island

Grenada Travel To Do

Hello Everyone! Well, the summer of travel has officially ended and Melissa has to start her real life now (wahhh). Visiting Grenada was fantastic for so many different reasons.

First, the island is supremely uncommercialized and untouched. From stunning white sand beaches to tropical rainforests filled with exotic flowers, and everything in between, Grenada isn’t short on things to do or beautiful things to see.

Second, I finally got to see my boyfriend!!! We met online and this was the first time we met face to face….kidding!!! For those of you that don’t know, my boyfriend Jordan is going to med school in Grenada. I joined his entire family for this trip to Grenada to attend his white coat ceremony!

Scroll down to see my list of things to do in Grenada….

Grenada Travel To-Do

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Grenada Travel To DoJordan: “You want to hear a joke about bread? Never mind, it’s crummy”

Me: ~this face~

Grenada Travel To-Do

Grenada Travel To-Do


Grenada Travel To-DoThis is a really big moment for me…. I love animals, but only like to touch the ones with fur (no fluffy = no touchy).

But, in the wise words of Shakespeare, “Do it for the gram.”

Grenada Travel To-Do

Even on a cloudy day, this place is paradise.

Grenada Travel To-Do

Bikini: Forever 21 | Body Chain: Forever 21 | Sunnies: Wildfox Couture in Tortoise

10 Things to do in Grenada

  1. Get a blind massage– Okay, when I first heard about this I probably had the same look on my face as you do right now.       Atmosphere= 1/10. Massage= 10/10. Best massage I have ever had and only $38 US dollars for an hour and a half massage. At this price there are no frills attached. Expect to hear the other guests, phones ringing, and doors opening and closing. More about Soothing Touch here.
  2. Visit Annandale Falls
  3. Dine at the Aquarium Restaurant
  4. See the underwater sculpture park– I didn’t have a chance to go this time, but it’s at the top of my list when I visit in October! Check it out here.
  5. Explore St. George’s
  6. Hold a monkey– The animal lover in me was ecstatic to touch a local Mona Monkey. Unfortunately, there weren’t any around when we visited…don’t think that won’t stop me from trying again next time. *Pro Tip from Jordan- bring snacks. Monkeys like snacks (but then again, who doesn’t?)
  7. Swim with the starfish– I think you’re seeing the trend. Lots of critters to touch here.
  8. Go to local night on Wednesday at the Dodgy Dock
  9. Get your hair braided and re-live your childhood family vacations- Haha okay this is sort of a joke. But hey, if you’re game, there are plenty of ladies walking the beach looking for some fresh locks to get their hands on.
  10. Be adventurous and take it slow– Grenada is the definition of island time, and vacations are meant to be slow! Enjoy it and soak up the time you have there!

I’m already so excited to be back in October! So much more to do and explore.

Jack and Jill I can’t thank you enough for this entire trip <3


I hope everyone had a phenomenal holiday weekend!


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1 Comment

  1. L.M. Aguilar
    September 7, 2016 / 6:09 pm

    Love your bright island colors, Grenada’s slow, fresh appeal beckons me…

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